Author: Dogatpasa

Israeli fighter jets carried out strikes on Iran-backed Hezbollah targets in Lebanon, the Israeli military said on Thursday. “The targets included a number of military posts from which Hezbollah terrorists operated. In addition… [Israeli army] soldiers struck a terrorist who was operating in Lebanese territory, adjacent to the area of Shlomi in northern Israel,” the Israeli army said in a statement. Earlier, the Israeli army said: “An anti-tank missile was launched from Lebanon toward the area of Shlomi in northern Israel. In response, the [Israeli army] struck the Hezbollah launch post from which the missile was fired.” It added: “[Israeli soldiers] also struck…

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A senior US diplomat on Wednesday returned to the Middle East on the latest bid to stop the spread of the war between Israel and Hamas. Barbara Leaf, the top US envoy for the Middle East, flew back to the region after accompanying Secretary of State Antony Blinken on a crisis tour. She started in the United Arab Emirates and will also visit Qatar, Oman, Egypt, Jordan and Israel, with other stops possible, the State Department said. Leaf will “consult with regional partners and advance efforts to prevent the conflict in the Middle East from spreading,” a State Department statement…

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Two men scramble their way down a concrete wall while an Israeli military camera they’ve torn off the top dangles beside them. “Hey lad, where are you?” yells one. “Follow me!” The other – bare-chested – abseils down as video filmed by a third person shows what looks like a freshly raised Hezbollah flag fluttering above. They run for it, away from the Israeli watchtowers and tanks ranged along the other side. This is a life-threatening game of dare at one of the Middle East’s most incendiary boundaries, among several raising fears of violent and bloody escalation. Recent months have…

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Move comes after gradual efforts to restore ties, including a visit by the Israeli president to Turkey in March. Turkey and Israel have agreed to restore full diplomatic relations and will return ambassadors to each other’s countries following a gradual improvement in relations. The announcement on Wednesday followed a conversation between Israeli Prime Minister Yair Lapid and Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan. It comes four years after the two countries expelled ambassadors over the killing of 60 Palestinians by Israeli forces during protests on the Gaza border against the opening of the United States Embassy in Jerusalem. “It was decided to…

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Americans view Israel as the country’s top ally outside of the English-speaking world, a survey by Pew Research found. Israel came in third place with 4%, following the UK at 22% and Canada at 6%. These results are consistent with past polling, going back to 2007. Pew asked a sample of American adults who is the top ally of the US, without specific options for answers.Top ArticlesRead More Moscow says it shot down Ukrainian missile over Russian city Nearly half (48%) of respondents declined to answer. Republicans and Republican-leaning independents were more likely to name Israel (8%) than Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents…

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Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has said parliament’s decision to trim Supreme Court powers to overrule government actions as part of his planned judicial overhaul would not hurt Israel’s democracy. The plans being pursued by Netanyahu and his right-wing government have spurred months of unprecedented protests, opened up a deep divide in Israeli society, and strained the loyalties of some army reservists. Now in its seventh month, the crisis escalated on Monday after parliament passed the first of the changes, trimming Supreme Court powers to overrule government actions and raising fears for the court’s independence. Netanyahu went on the offensive, giving several interviews to US…

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Air force helicopter came down in a mountainous area east of Beirut, but the cause of the crash has not been given. The cause of the crash was not immediately known, and the statement did not say what type of helicopter was involved. Lebanon’s caretaker Prime Minister Najib Mikati has contacted the head of the army, Joseph Aoun, for details concerning the clash, the prime minister’s office said. Lebanon’s economy has been in free fall since late 2019. The economic crisis – which the World Bank says is one of the planet’s worst in modern times – has plunged more than 80…

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At a time when Lebanon’s economy is in shambles and the country is hit with economic collapse along with a rising humanitarian crisis, a lavish US embassy complex that is under construction is piquing the interest of commoners in the Middle Eastern nation. The compound is located about 13 kilometres (about 8 miles) from the centre of Beirut. Stretching across a 43-acre site, the massive US embassy compound in Lebanon can be taken as a city of its own, as per CNN. The size of the complex is mammoth and it can be better understood when seen in comparison to…

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Frankfurt, London (12/08 – 80) It seems that the Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN) has become a hostage to its investments in Tajikistan. In mid-July, the Prosecutor’s Office of the Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Oblast (GBAO) appealed to the Supreme Economic Court of Tajikistan with a demand to annul the land certificate for the campus of the University of Central Asia in Khorog, which is owned by the Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN). The university’s administration, local authorities, and the prosecutor’s office have not commented on this matter. However, it is evident that if the authorities manage to revoke the land certificate,…

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Textbooks in Saudi Arabia have been changing. For years, researchers have been observing a gradual moderation on subjects ranging from gender roles to the promotion of peace and tolerance. Among the changes raising attention recently, in light of reports that the United States is trying to pave the way toward normalization between Saudi Arabia and Israel, are edits related to Jews, Christians and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. A report released last month from the Israel- and London-based Institute for Monitoring Peace and Cultural Tolerance in School Education (IMPACT-se), which mainly monitors how Israel and Jews are portrayed in education texts, found “almost all examples portraying…

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