The Afghan newspaper “Khashte Subh” (“8 am”) revealed some details of the visit of the Taliban representatives to Tajikistan, citing its sources. The authorities of Tajikistan have not yet commented on this trip of the Taliban.

According to the newspaper, last week a Taliban delegation led by the head of the financial department of the Afghan Foreign Ministry, Muhammad Muso, first visited Dushanbe and then Gorno-Badakhshan on a business visa.

It is not reported how many Taliban representatives came to Tajikistan with Muhammad Muso, but newspaper sources say that “a delegation of the Taliban went to this country to negotiate with the Tajik authorities,” the main purpose of which was to transfer the consulate into the hands of the Taliban.

“The purpose of the Taliban delegation’s visit to Tajikistan was to negotiate the transfer of the Afghan consulate in Khorog to the Taliban. It is not clear whether the parties have reached a preliminary agreement on the transfer of the consulate or not,” the newspaper writes.

It is emphasized that the basis for this visit to Tajikistan was created by a number of former Afghan diplomats.

The Tajik Foreign Ministry has not yet explained the visit of Taliban representatives to Tajikistan. Earlier in a telephone conversation with Asia-Plus, an employee of the Tajik department did not comment on this news.

The Afghan embassy in Tajikistan, in a telephone conversation with Asia-Plus, categorically denied the visit of the Taliban representatives to Dushanbe, but said that “the visit of the Taliban to Badakhshan is a different matter,” but did not provide any details.

They only noted that “there are no changes in the work of the Afghan embassy in Tajikistan and the Afghan consulate in Khorog.”

“The embassy and consulate are working with the same staff as before. There has been no transfer,” an Afghan embassy spokesman added.

Recall that the information that the Taliban visited Tajikistan appeared on March 25: the official representative of the Afghan Foreign Ministry Kahhor Balkhi wrote about this on his Twitter.

True, he wrote that the delegation visited the Afghan consulate in Khorog to assess the damage caused by the avalanche (the consulate was damaged by an avalanche in Khorog on February 15) and to determine the work on the reconstruction of the building.

There was no more information in the message.

An expert shared his opinion on what this visit could mean with Asia-Plus . 

After the fall of the former regime in Afghanistan, Tajikistan did not develop relations with the Taliban who came to power . The republic  criticizes the group’s policies in the formation of the government and because of non-observance of human rights.

Tajikistan remains one of the few countries in the region that does not have diplomatic relations with the Taliban. At present, Dushanbe has signed only an agreement on the supply of electricity with representatives of the Taliban.

While no country has yet recognized the Taliban-created government, several countries, including Russia, China, Iran and the UAE, have handed over the Afghan embassy in their countries to members of the movement in the past few months.

Source: asiaplustj

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