Author: Dogatpasa

After the 2024 shock and the French elites are breaking into shell shock over the European Parliament outcome Europa’s slide to the right continues. The Christian Democrats remain firmly in power although the future of Van der Leyen and ilk is uncertain. The election had a few surprises, mainly the center left Renew Europe and the Non-attached Members (NI) and Others group. The pose with 12.50% an outlier. The ultra-right groups grouped at the Identity and Democracy Group (ID) although a minor group in the European Parliament, locally surprised many. In France, the ID block has the majority seats (30).…

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The newly established council will develop and implement artificial intelligence policies applied to research, infrastructure and investments The president of the United Arab Emirates and ruler of Abu Dhabi, Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan has issued a law that established the Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Technology Council (AIATC). According to an announcement from the Abu Dhabi government, the council will oversee the implementation and development of artificial intelligence (AI) policies and strategies that will be applied to research, infrastructure and investments. Apart from policies, the council will also collaborate with local and global partners in developing plans and research programs.…

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A Lebanese soldier was killed by Israeli fire on a military post near the country’s southern border Tuesday, Lebanon’s army said, the first such death since cross-border hostilities began in October. The Lebanon-Israel border has seen intensifying exchanges of fire since war broke out between Hamas and Israel in October, mainly involving the Iran-backed Hezbollah, raising fears of a broader conflagration. “An army military position in the… Adaysseh area was bombarded by the Israeli enemy, leaving one soldier martyred and three others injured,” the Lebanese army said in a statement. The death was the first fatality in the ranks of the…

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Yemen’s Iran-backed Houthis said on Wednesday they had fired missiles at Israel following Israeli military reports projectiles had been intercepted over the Red Sea. In recent weeks the Houthis have launched a series of drone and missiles attacks against Israel. They have targeted Israeli-linked commercial shipping and seizing a cargo vessel, in retaliation for the war in Gaza. In a statement posted on social media, they movement, which rules over swathes of Yemen including its capital Sanaa, said it had “launched a batch of ballistic missiles at military targets” in Israel. Houthis said they would “continue to carry out their military operations”…

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Lebanon said on Thursday it would refer to the UN Security Council news reports by Reuters and Agence France-Presse that showed Israeli military fire killed a Reuters journalist and wounded six others in south Lebanon on October 13. In a Lebanese government statement responding to the publication of separate investigations by the news agencies, caretaker Prime Minister Najib Mikati said in a statement: “Israeli criminality has no limits.” Reuters is seeking comment from the Israeli prime minister’s office on the Lebanese government statement. The Reuters investigation found an Israeli tank crew killed Issam Abdallah and wounded the six other journalists by firing…

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French foreign minister Catherine Colonna said on Saturday that a humanitarian corridor is needed to deliver aid to civilians in Gaza and its establishment could lead to a ceasefire. “The distribution of aid to civilian populations, starting with the most vulnerable, assumes a humanitarian corridor, which can lead to a ceasefire,” she said at the Cairo Peace Summit hosted by Egypt on the escalating war between Israel and the Palestinian group Hamas in Gaza. She added that French President Emmanuel Macron had just announced 10 million euros ($10.59 million) of humanitarian aid for the Palestinians, in addition to the 10 million euros…

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Six workers with the UN’s Palestinian refugee agency were killed in just 24 hours in Gaza, the global body said Tuesday, bringing to 35 the total of its staff killed since October 7. Humanitarian and aid workers have not been spared in more than two weeks of relentless Israeli bombardment of the Gaza Strip after Hamas gunmen carried out the worst attack in Israel’s 75-year history. “Since the start of hostilities, at least 16 health workers have been killed while on duty, along with 35 UNRWA staff,” the United Nations humanitarian agency OCHA said in an update sent Tuesday on the…

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Iran’s supreme leader delivered a clear message to the head of Hamas when they met in Tehran in early November, according to three senior officials: You gave us no warning of your October 7 attack on Israel and we will not enter the war on your behalf. Ali Khamenei told Ismail Haniyeh that Iran – a longtime backer of Hamas – would continue to lend the group its political and moral support, but wouldn’t intervene directly, said the Iranian and Hamas officials with knowledge of the discussions who asked to remain anonymous to speak freely. The supreme leader pressed Haniyeh to silence…

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Australia said on Wednesday it had deployed two more military aircraft and a “significant number” of defense personnel to the Middle East to help support its citizens there if the ongoing war between Israel and militant group Hamas escalates. A deadly cross-border attack by Iran-backed Hamas on Oct. 7 stunned Israel, killing more than 1,400 people, while the Palestinian health ministry said at least 5,791 Palestinians had been killed by subsequent Israeli bombardments, including 2,360 children. Australia sent a Boeing C-17 aircraft and an air refueler plane that has the capacity to carry passengers, taking the total to three, Defence…

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Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu slammed Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan for labelling Israel a “terror state” and refused to take any “lectures” from Ankara which he said supported the Palestinian militant group Hamas. Netanyahu said: “There are forces that support the terrorists. And one of them is President Erdogan of Turkey who calls Israel a terror state, but actually supports the terror state of Hamas,” according to Israel’s most widely read newspaper, Yedioth Ahronoth. Netanyahu added: “[Erdogan] has himself bombed Turkish villages inside Turkey itself, so we’re not going to get any lectures from them,” likely in reference to Turkish military action in…

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